Monday, March 9, 2009


Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Teenage pregnancy is one of the most difficult challenges that a young person can face. I never fully realized the struggles that teenage parents face until my cousin became pregnant at age eighteen. As a college student, she had to balance school, work, and childcare; a task that most adults find difficult. Seeing her struggles, I began to notice the serious financial, emotional, and physical costs of raising at child at such a young age. In this study, I explore the many resources available to teens that educate them on pregnancy and prevention, with a focus on the impact of the internet. I began by researching sites such as,, and I then discovered that with the rise of the internet, teen birth rates in the United States reached a record low. Was this a coincidence? How does the internet effect teen birth rates? Can increased access to the internet in developing countries result in lower teen birth rates?These are the sorts of questions I hope to answer in my study.

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